
OMR test graphical result

The OMR software automatically generates results after evaluating the OMR sheets. The best thing about this software is that it generates reports in various forms including mark lists and graphical results. The advantages of graphical test results are more than that of the mark lists as the former show detailed reports in graphical representation like in the form of bar and pie diagrams.

With the help of the graphical results, students and teachers can analyze their performance and position easily. The graphical reports show the scores of the students in comparison to top scores, average scores, etc.


OMR software and graphical report

Mark lists display the scores of the students together and hence are commonly used as it can be displayed on the notice board. On the other hand, OMR test graphical result shows the scores of every student individually. The software has the ability to create separate PDFs of graphical reports of every student. But these cannot be displayed on the notice board. Also, sending print outs of all the reports is not feasible. Hence, Addmen provides the option of uploading these reports online through the Online Test Software.

The facility of generating and uploading OMR test graphical result online is an inbuilt facility available with the OMR software. The students can view his/her graphical test result by logging in by using his/her unique ID and password. Apart from uploading it online, it is also possible to send these PDF reports through email.

OMR Test Graphical Result
OMR Test Graphical Result